Tasmanian Devil Workshops
Hands on with the devils
Duration: 1 day
Cost: $500 per peron
About the course
Our keeper or possibly the Managing Director Androo Kelly, who has been successfully breeding Tasmanian devils for over 30 years at Trowunna, will aim to provide you with a sound understanding of Tasmanian devil biology, life history, behaviour and reproduction both in the wild and in captivity.
This information will enable participants to have a greater understanding of the critical role of the zoological industry in education, research and conservation.
The course will be delivered through demonstrations and practical husbandry sessions consisting of handling, husbandry and observation of animals in the captive collection on site.
The one day course includes lunch; morning and afternoon tea provided.
Who is this workshop for?
This course can be undertaken for your own career development in the zoological field or your own personal interest.
How to book
To arrange or enquire about a booking please email info@trowunna.com.au

Other courses
We also offer workshops focusing on our other Dasyurid species, the Eastern and Spotted-tail Quoll's. This quoll workshop will focus on similar topics to the workshop above including: biology, reproduction, nutrition and behaviour.
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